The Dance Apocalypse

The Dance Apocalypse/ Solos
This piece is a radical challenge to the paltry circumstances in which artists seek funding and a heart wrenching end-of-the-world love story with pizazz. It includes clitoral embodiment, taxidermy hats, a fundraising campaign and true confessions.
A combination of circumstances (travel, funding, curiosity) caused the duo to pull apart their previous work, The Dance Apocalypse (see description below) divvying up the material into two solos. Revlock performs The Dance Apocalypse/Fundraiser and Bindler performs The Dance Apocalypse/Class.* The solos bring focus to Revlock and Bindler as individuals and provide personal and sometimes contradictory perspectives on their tumultuous relationship.
*In truth they aren't really solos at all because they two halves fit together, commenting on, contradicting and supporting each other.
Culturebot (April 2015)
OffOffOff (April 2015)
New York Times (April 2015)

The Dance Apocalypse has been supported by The Pew Center for Arts & Heritage.

I made this for you
What does the audience want? I made this for you is a raucous, playful yet earnest dance about audience engagement and community building. I made this for you challenges notions of competition and conventional forms of beauty by using biting wit and playful commentary. There will be sur (PRIZES)!
Pittsburgh Examiner, July 2014
Seattle Dances, June 2014
ThINKingDance, October 2011
Broad Street Review, May 2011

The Dance Apocalypse
The Dance Apocalypse takes place within the context of a director’s commentary, a sensationalist talk show and a million-dollar kickstarter campaign for a feature length film. Within these comedic backdrops, the dance explores the nature of creative collaboration between Revlock and Bindler– shedding light on tensions and delights in relation to art-making and to each other as female artists in a spectacle-driven world.
CityPaper (Apr 2014)
Rob Wright Reflection (Apr 2014)
thINKingDANCE (Mar 2013)
Performance (argument excerpt)
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